Saturday, April 28, 2012

More Progress in April

In the Nursery

Library View


The workmen have preserved Emmanuel's chestnut trimwork to assure a continuity of style.

Nursery Changes

Painting and progress . . .

Restroom Progress

Choir Room - Three

Looking South on 4/11 and 4/27

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Early Progress in April

The FOCUS Food Pantry has secured new working space! Storage areas formerly located on the old stage are now all consolidated together under the balcony. Look for the reference phrase "Corner," with other photos documenting the space of the Food Pantry.

New Restrooms

Plumbing for handicapped-accessible
has involved
and well-hidden labor . . . ↓

Nursery & Library

The nursery and library areas are progressing well.

Choir Room - One

Choir room will be in the old Stage area. Looking southward from the same point, these are two pictures of an amazing demolition over 24 hours.

Choir Room - Two

Looking northward into the future choir room (with the platform of the old back-stage area, partially removed) is seen from the corridor.